
Address BIRKAN GmbH
Painhofener Strasse 11
82279 Eching am Ammersee

Phone +49 (0) 81 43 / 92 04-0
Fax +49 (0) 81 43 / 92 04-24
Internet | |
Managing Directors Mathias Klein, Stefanie Klein, Josef Wittenberger
Commercial Register HRB 32 02, Augsburg District Court
VAT No. DE 188789549


All contents on this website, including texts, images, video clips or other files, are the property of BIRKAN GmbH and are subject to copyright.

Exception: Aerial photograph of Eching on Ammersee lake (page "map"): © Jörg Bodenbender,
"Woman working in garden" (page "team"): © Marnie Burkhart/Corbis


Although the greatest possible care has been exercised in the construction of this website, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and topicality of the information it contains. On no account are we liable for any direct or indirect damage which arises from the use of the information contained on this website unless such damage is intentional or due to gross negligence.

Our website contains links to websites operated by other parties. We assume no responsibility or liability for the structure or content of these linked sites. BIRKAN does not endorse any content of any linked site operated by another party. We are neither responsible nor liable for the accuracy and topicality of information and links included in our Internet pages.

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Please find all relevant information in our private policy statement.